Build Skill "RAVEN" Level 70,80,95 PvE - Dragonest Indonesia
Raven Assasin Dragonest Indonesia
Perkenalan Assassin dan RAVEN :
+ Semua perubahan Assassin, menggunakan Physical attack sebagai atribut attacknya, baik itu untuk menyerang, ataupun heal
+ Attack Assassin dapat ditambah dengan dua cara, menumpuk agi (1 agi = 0,375 patk), atau menumpuk str (1 str = 0,375 patk)
+ Beberapa skill Assassin memiliki mekanisme CTC (Cooldown Time Charging), mekanisme ini membuat skill assassin dapat digunakan lebih dari 1x tergantung dari waktu cooldown, misalnya, Piercing star memiliki cooldown 8 detik, setelah 8 detik, akan muncul angka 1 pada skill, apabila dibiarkan cooldown selama 16 detik, akan ada angka 2 yang menandakan skill dapat digunakan 2 kali berturut-turut.
+ Raven, seperti semua karakter assassin, menggunakan patk sebagai atribut attack utama.
+Raven menggunakan senjata Scimitar, menggunakan Dagger akan membuat banyak skill tidak dapat digunakan
+ Kebanyakan skill-skill Raven memiliki element dark, sehingga menumpuk dark dianjurkan untuk tambahan attack
Kegunaan Raven:
RAVEN memiliki 2 kegunaan di party, sesuai dengan build skill yang dimiliki- DPS -
Tugas utama dari Raven adalah sebagai DPS utama. Damage besar, Cooldown kecil, CTC, menjadikan kombinasi yang luar biasa baik bagi para Raven. Selain itu, elemen dark yang sangat mudah di pump (Buff light fury, buff DS, debuff - dark resist majesty) membuat Raven semakin sakit saja.
Selain itu, skill dedicated crow yang fenomenal membuat Raven mampu membantu party untuk menyumbang damage lebih besar
Kelebihan Raven :
+ Salah satu pemilik Buff dan Debuff terbaik+ DPS sangat besar, untuk saat ini masih yang terbesar
Kelemahan Raven :
+ MP nya agak boros+ AoE kecil, jadi butuh akurasi untuk dapat menggunakan skill
+ Kurang baik untuk dijadikan Hybrid
Skill Build Raven Tipe PVE Level 60
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Assassin Skill Tree |
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Chaser Skill Tree |
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Raven Skill Tree |
Penjelasan Skill-Skill
Assassin Skill Tree
Lvl 16/20 Fan of Edge :Skill dengan DPS yang cukup baik yang memiliki Cooldown rendah.
Satu-satunya kekurangan dapat diatasi dengan casting skill tepat di depan boss agar semua damage masuk. Walaupun kenyataannya situasi tersebut jarang terjadi, jadi, cara tersebut hanya bisa dilakukan ketika kalian yakin tidak akan terkena damage besar .
Skill hindaran dan Pasif:
Fake Clog -- Level 2
Berbeda dengan build lainnya, di sini skill Fake Clog tidak di max, alasannya, sebagai raven nanti, ada banyak sekali skill yang digunakan untuk menghindar, dan juga untuk menghemat SP yang ada agar pas 45
Max MP Regen -- Level 1.
Beberapa orang pasti tidak setuju dengan hal ini. Raven memang merupakan karakter yang boros MP, tapi, Raven dapat membunuh dengan cepat, ditambah dengan Equip yang mumpuni, seharusnya tidak akan pernah terjadi yang namanya kehabisan MP.
Selain itu, situasi kehabisan MP juga dapat diantisipasi dengan buff sorce, atau kulkas cebol, atau bahkan heal MP oleh Light Fury nanti.
Atau, apabila memang ingin di max, tidak masalah, karena ada sisa 10 SP yang bisa digunakan
Chaser Skill Tree
Fade Max :
Kebanyakan ada yang tidak setuju dengan pengambilan fade max karena tingginya damage yang akan diterima raven saat penggunaan skill tersebut, namun, patut diingat, tugas utama dari raven adalah pemberian damage yang besar, oleh karena itu, Fade di max, selama 5 detik, damage bertambah 30-35%, worth it menurut saya
Skill Raven (Jalur kiri) 16/11 :
Merupakan skill-skill DPS utama kamu, diambil 16/11 karena penambahan damage terbesar dan penambahan CTC
Punishment level 10 :
Karena punishment terlalu keren buat didiemin di level 6, salah satu skill utama Raven, MAX MAX MAX
Dedicate Shadow level 0
Hal ini karena sekali lagi tugas Raven adalah Damager, kamu ga perlu mikirin hp yang nipis, healernya kemana :P
Skill Ripper (Jalur kanan) level 0:
Walaupun damage besar, tapi element fire, dan skill yang mengurangi def 10% tidak bisa di stack dengan skill berefek sama di jalur raven, so it's A BIG NO NO
Raven Skill Tree
Umbra level 4
Banyak yang bilang Umbra tidak pantas untuk dimax, tapi bagi saya, asal penempatannya benar, pasti damage yang diterima besar, selain itu, efek yang diterima bila musuh bergerak juga merupakan bonus damage yang pantas diperhitungkan
Sisanya MAX, pasti dah tau dong alesannya :P
Equip yang Disarankan :
Untuk pemain miskin bermodal *ehem*, sedikit
Armor set : Dangerous Desire 5, + semakin besar semakin baik, dianjurkan +8 keatas
Senjata : Dangerous Desire 2 (untuk pump patk, DPS utama gitu loh)
Untuk pemain bermodal menengah
Armor set : Hero's Armor 5, + semakin besar semakin baik, dianjurkan +8 keatas (Biar tebel, deff assassin tergolong rendah)
Senjata : GDN L 2 + 13 ++ kalau bisa
Untuk pemain berMODAL
Armor set : DDN Unique 5, + semakin besar semakin baik, dianjurkan +8 keatas (Karena memang diatas Epic set 60)
Senjata : DDN Unique 2 / GDN HC +13 ke atas
Untuk pemain yang..ah sudahlah
Armor set : DDN L 5, because it's the best
Senjata : DDN L 2, because F*** the monster
Jewel yang digunakan
Jewel biru : Kombinasi Wind / Vit di setiap armor, Wind di kedua senjata, Vit di kedua asesoris
Jewel merah : Destruction ( Heal Heal Heal )
Heraldry yang Disarankan
Stat Heraldry : Wind, Bear, Destruct, Tent, Shining, Fatal (Bisa diganti Tent bila crit sudah mentok) , Health, Life Vita
Skill Heraldry :
Punishment - Damage
Applause - Damage
Rake - Damage
Rain Drop - Cooldown
Talking about games, who does not wish to play? They are an integral part of our lives and whether kids or adults, none can refrain from it. They are both a part of recreation and a great form of being physically fit and even getting rewarded. Games also teach us about many ethics and values which even help us later in life. Many a times the importance and benefits of playing games gets unnoticed and it is thus significant that one keeps in mind the following points. Let us take a look here...
Points to ponder while playing games
• The main constituents of any game is to reach a target, follow the set rules, face trials and tests and have proper interface.
• Games also help to stimulate the decision making skills and allow to take challenges.
• There are varieties of games, such as games that require devices, bound by a few rules to be followed, need special skill sets. There are indoor and outdoor games, online games, video console gaming, some teach us about coordination and attention to detail, some require role play, a few that teach us about playing as a team, etc.
• A few games are also a part of sports and playing sports makes a person physically active and fit as it is a form of physical exercise and stimulates the whole body movement.
Benefits of playing games
• By playing games one can enhance the retention power and even stimulate the competitive spirit.
• Teaches about coordination and even brings out creativity.
• Playing games is a great source of learning and one can learn from it regularly.
• It helps in reducing the stress levels which are generally higher in the present scenario.
• Playing games in groups also help us to increase our socializing skills and keeps us in sync with others.
• With the intention of reaching a goal, we make conscious and deliberate effort to be more focussed, which helps us in improving our attention power.
• Games are a good way to teach one to accept defeat in life and even face hardships.
Good health is the key to a happy and successful life and games in the form of sports or in other forms teaches one, skills which are required later to face a tougher life. Thus games make you a lot stronger, independent and helps in facing the world with full rigour. They even make you accustomed to the bitter taste of defeat and also builds the morale and prepares you to be even more determined and taste victory. So, it is truly said "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy"!
Talking about games, who does not wish to play? They are an integral part of our lives and whether kids or adults, none can refrain from it. They are both a part of recreation and a great form of being physically fit and even getting rewarded. Games also teach us about many ethics and values which even help us later in life. Many a times the importance and benefits of playing games gets unnoticed and it is thus significant that one keeps in mind the following points. Let us take a look here...
Points to ponder while playing games
• The main constituents of any game is to reach a target, follow the set rules, face trials and tests and have proper interface.
• Games also help to stimulate the decision making skills and allow to take challenges.
• There are varieties of games, such as games that require devices, bound by a few rules to be followed, need special skill sets. There are indoor and outdoor games, online games, video console gaming, some teach us about coordination and attention to detail, some require role play, a few that teach us about playing as a team, etc.
• A few games are also a part of sports and playing sports makes a person physically active and fit as it is a form of physical exercise and stimulates the whole body movement.
Benefits of playing games
• By playing games one can enhance the retention power and even stimulate the competitive spirit.
• Teaches about coordination and even brings out creativity.
• Playing games is a great source of learning and one can learn from it regularly.
• It helps in reducing the stress levels which are generally higher in the present scenario.
• Playing games in groups also help us to increase our socializing skills and keeps us in sync with others.
• With the intention of reaching a goal, we make conscious and deliberate effort to be more focussed, which helps us in improving our attention power.
• Games are a good way to teach one to accept defeat in life and even face hardships.
Good health is the key to a happy and successful life and games in the form of sports or in other forms teaches one, skills which are required later to face a tougher life. Thus games make you a lot stronger, independent and helps in facing the world with full rigour. They even make you accustomed to the bitter taste of defeat and also builds the morale and prepares you to be even more determined and taste victory. So, it is truly said "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy"!